Babes Shay Laren Dancing With Myself
You'd be lucky to find me wearing any clothes around the house, said Barbie Kelley, the stacked wife of a devoted SCORE reader. She must have meant unlucky. We'd be very lucky to find Barbie naked around the house or anywhere. "I am a very sexual being," Barbie said. "I enjoy sex eight times a week. My favorite sex position is whichever position is driving us to the brink. Not knowing what position I will end up in is an aphrodisiac in itself. When I give a blow job, I am a swallower for the most part. Occasionally when there's a camera around or if I am just being a little naughty, I will play with his cum. "I have had sex in public. It was at a roadside park. I happened to have some toys in the car, and when we stopped, I began to play with myself using one of my favorite vibrators. My husband had to get out of the car and stand by my window to block other people from seeing me at one point. When traffic in the parking lot slowed down, we managed to enjoy mind-blowing orgasms with the sun shining down on us. We drove away with a smile on our faces." In this scene, Barbie is a horny wife (no fiction there) whose husband (again, no fiction; this is Barbie's real-life hubby) brings home a new employee. The employee sees Barbie walking around in barely nothing and gets to fuck her. With hubby's blessing, of course. Nice guy, this Mr. Kelley, sharing his busty wife with the world.
Sometimes when girlse to The SCORE Group and unleash their big tits, it's the start of a long, fruitful relationship with SCORELAND, the mags and the readers and members. That happens frequently. And sometimes, the girlse to The SCORE Group, unleash their big tits a handful of times and move on with their lives, never to be seen again, at least with their racks out for all the world to see. That happens more frequently than I'd like. It's happened recently with Lissa Hope (who actually fucked before she disappeared) and Dina Sahari, and it happened several years ago with H-cup Lara Jones, who actually had two different sessions in our satellite studio in Europe before she moved on with her life. With her big, heavy, chest-dominating naturals, Lara was one of the greats. She could have been even greater. Girls who are short 'n' naturally stacked are hard toe by and easy to cum to. Please excuse that horrible pun. "I like to show my boobs," Lara said. "If I didn't feel this way, I would not be at SCORELAND. I am not shy about showing them. I like to be admired and it makes me feel good. It made me feel really good when I saw myself on the cover of the magazine." That was for the January 2018 issue of Voluptuous. She was also the covergirl of two movies, including one devoted entirely to her. That's how good we thought she was. Lara likes topare herself to other girls. "I always look because I always want to know if there can exist girls with bigger boobs than mine. I can't imagine that there are, but I am very interested to see. You never see girls with boobs as big as mine." Well, actually, we do. Right here. But I get the point.