Bangbros Bring More Girls To The Internet

Super-hottie Stephanie Michelle goes for a massage, but this is no ordinary massage, as you'll see. Stephanie is well-known on the web as "Big Tiddie Hentai Doll." It's easy to see why. "My most-fun job is my current one," Stephanie said. "Being an internet thot! Nothing beats getting paid to shake my tits! But also, I love that I get to travel the world and get naked in so many different and beautiful places! Honestly, since getting my tiddies, fans would message me saying that I should shoot for you guys! It wasn't until someone on Twitter was super-nice and reached out to me saying they could introduce me to you all. "Usually when I go out I'm either in something super low-cut or more often, just a tight little cropped T-shirt with no bra. It's cute seeing guys try so hard not to look! I'm guessing it's either because my boobs bounce so much, or because my nips are usually hard and pretty visible through my shirt or because sometimes my shirt will ride up and I'll be walking around with a ton of under-tiddie showing without me even knowing! Also when I go out, I'm usually with my husband and I know he really likes it when I show off my tiddies! "So I'd say I definitely get a lot of attention because of my tits. Now I don't think it's nice to openly stare at them while in a conversation with me, but I'm not mad at all when I see guys trying to be sneaky and steal a glance. I mean I understand, they're big-ass tiddies! I know what they do to guys' brains!"
Mia Khalifa went being from an order-taker/cashier at a burger chain restaurant (not Whataburger, as some have incorrectly reported) near SCORE heaquarters in Miami, Florida to sucking and fucking in her first-ever hardcore scene. This girl is really horny. Carlos didn't have to teach her much. Here's the back-story: One day, by happenstance, SCORE editor Dave saw Mia out of her drab working uniform and enjoyed the view of her shapely, busty body. She came over and began talking to him, which gave him the opportunity to get an even-closer look. About a week later, now knowing that Mia had SCORE credentials, we (there were four of us at lunch that day) mentioned to Mia that we work at SCORE and what SCORE is all about. She went in the back, checked out SCORELAND, came back out and enthusiastically gave us the thumbs-up. Mia had a definite talent for sex, and she seemed to enjoy the attention. She was already a very sexual girl and had been a stripper before she got the job at the burger joint. She immediately quit her burger job after her SCORE shoots. At first, she used the name Mia Callista then changed it. She also got into webcamming. I don't think any girl in porn has ever received the mainstream attention that Mia got. She was in every major newspaper. I used to get annoyed because those reporters never mentioned SCORE. Without SCORE, none of this would have happened. I'm not saying Mia would still be taking lunch orders, but she wouldn't have gone into nude modeling and porn if not for us. The party didn't last long because Mia was in and out of the adult scene very quickly. That was her decision, but her story will always be one of the best ever and a part of our history. One mistake that spread on the web was that Mia is Muslim. Because of the viral nature of the Internet and a lot of clueless people, this error still persists. In fact, she's a Christian, and her family is from Lebanon. I can't think of any girl who
Dressed up as a student, Mia Khalifa, whom I'm proud to say I discovered, deep-throats and fucks Tony's cock. Lucky guy. This was Mia's second fuck scene ever and was shot before she gained so much publicity and, in some cases, notoriety, although in my opinion, that word doesn't fit. Everything Mia did was good, and the things she did with us, like this video, were great because she was new and fresh to the adult scene. By now, you know the story. Mia, who's of Lebanese descent, became an Internet sensation, pilloried by people in Lebanon and disowned by her parents. Her story was told in mainstream magazines and newspapers, and for a while, she was the No. 1 porn star in the world. But as quickly as she got into porn, that's as quickly as she got out. Yet her fame has not lessened. Mia moved from Florida to Texas, trolled college and sports athletes on the Web and became a sportsmentator. Here are some excerpts from one of two interviews I did with Mia. I gotta say, it felt odd to see the girl who used to take my order at the burger joint sucking cock, but it was a very good kind of odd. And by the way, that burger joint in Miami wasn't Whataburger, despite urban myths to the contrary. Miami doesn't have a Whataburger. SCORELAND: Did your family know that you were doing porn before the Lebanese stuff started breaking? Mia: You know how they knew? As soon as my stuff at SCORELAND went live, someone made a fake Instagram of [me], and they friend-requested everyone that I followed, including my family members. SCORELAND: That's pretty mean. If people weren't so mean, this would all be fine. Mia: I know. If this was the '90s or early 2000s, I don't think anybody would know, not in Lebanon, not up in Maryland. SCORELAND: How about the good side. The best part about this has been... MIA: All of the Florida State attention. That has been the best part of all this. I formed a little family called FSU Twitter,
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